The average house price on SOUTH END TERRACE is £127,312
The most expensive house in the street is 17 SOUTH END TERRACE with an estimated value of £148,609
The cheapest house in the street is 26 SOUTH END TERRACE with an estimated value of £94,683
The house which was most recently sold was 16 SOUTH END TERRACE, this sold on 25 Jun 2021 for £109,000
The postcode for SOUTH END TERRACE is LS13 2AB
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
11 SOUTH END TERRACE Terraced , 66 m2 £140,781 £87,000 5 Apr 2007
13 SOUTH END TERRACE Terraced , 49 m2 £113,155 £76,000 6 Feb 2015
15 SOUTH END TERRACE Terraced , 48 m2 £119,354 £65,000 3 Jul 2009
16 SOUTH END TERRACE Terraced £117,814 £109,000 25 Jun 2021
17 SOUTH END TERRACE Terraced , 71 m2 £148,609 £112,500 9 Dec 2016
18 SOUTH END TERRACE Terraced £145,233 £80,000 2 Dec 2005
20 SOUTH END TERRACE Terraced , 46 m2 £113,249 £83,000 28 Apr 2016
22 SOUTH END TERRACE Terraced £136,003 £28,000 23 Jan 1998
24 SOUTH END TERRACE Terraced £144,248 £79,000 14 Nov 2005
26 SOUTH END TERRACE Terraced , 46 m2 £94,683 £75,000 12 Mar 2018